Obion County Board of Education
December 1, 2008

Agenda Item: VIII.D.

Consider/Approve Central Cafeteria Food and Non-Food Item Bids

Background Information:

In addition to advertising, the Reelfoot Area Consortium solicited bids for the purchase of food and non-food items for the remainder of the 2008 – 2009 school year (December 1, 2008 through May 31, 2008). Bids received are summarized on the Bid Request Information Forms. Funds for these purchases are budgeted in the FY09 Central Cafeteria Fund budget. Although solicited through the consortium, each School System represented must submit the bids/recommendations to their respective Boards for acceptance and approval. After the consortium opened and tallied the bids, the consortium, through Ms. Judy Denman, recommends Hardin’s-Sysco for all items.

Staff Recommendation:

I concur with the recommendations set forth by Ms. Judy Denman and recommend approval of the bids as indicated on the Bid Request Information Forms.